Establishing a hierarchy of finches at the feeder

I managed to open my study window to look down on the birds feeding on sunflower seeds on the patio below. Generally I fill the feeder and it will be emptied every day, if not quicker when it is really cold weather. Close to our back door we have another feeder which holds only suet pellets in a wire cage that finches can’t access because their beaks are too large.

I’m still on a quest to photograph the two pairs of blackcaps, which I see every day, but they are very shy and elusive and as soon as my camera appears they disappear into the deep cover of shrubs or bushes. Both of the feeders are mostly squirrel-proof, but I’ve now found that magpies can briefly perch on the sunflower feeder and just about grab a few seeds from the openings before their weight completely closes the opening where seed is accessed.

I saw this female bullfinch munching on the sunflowers which they tend to do until they feel full, unlike many other birds such as tits which quickly grab a seed and then fly away to eat on a safe nearby perch. The bullfinches regard the feeders as their terrain.

Today I saw this series of interactions over a few seconds. thew goldfinch was tolerated at the rear of the feeder, but when a greenfinch approached the hierarchy needed to be established. Once it was seen off a second goldfinch approached but this riled the bullfinch and another squawking session ensued, before they all flew away to digest or sulk.

You can see this action in the 'Extras'.

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