...the chicken or the egg?  

Along with thousands of others - mostly ladies, probably - my New Eating Plan began today, so I was up and out before 7 o’clock to do the necessary shopping at Tesco’s.  My fridge is now well-stocked with meat, fish, vegetables, eggs and fruit so I am “good to go” as they say.

When I got home I made some Broccoli and Blue Cheese soup, which we both enjoyed for our lunch, and then I decided I would go out for a walk.  Mr. HCB said he would join me;  I know he won’t be as strict as me, and will eat roughly the same things - but he will, no doubt, lose more weight and faster - but hey, that’s life and I’m not going to get worked up about it - yet!

Off we went for our walk and I took several shots of lovely flowers that are blooming, but then we passed a house with the pink sign attached to a little cupboard.  Although I had bought a dozen eggs this morning, thought that new laid eggs from chickens I knew were in the back garden of this house, would be rather good.  I happened to have a £1 coin in my pocket from this morning, so we put our £1 in the jar, and then turned the sign round, because there were no more eggs in the cupboard.  

Then it was round to the side of the house, where I knew the chickens were kept - because I had seen them when I was out a few weeks ago - and sure enough, looking through the wall, I could see two.  I did have a little chat with  them - as you might guess - and thanked them for the eggs.  I know nothing about chickens, so looked on Mr. Google when we got home and apparently, these are single comb chickens (silly me, I thought it was a cockerel) and I learned quite a lot.  If we go over again, I might just have a word with the people who live there about what variety the chickens are - just so I know.  

I have no doubt we will enjoy the eggs and who knows, we may go over and buy some more so must make sure I have a £1 coin in my pocket.  A gentle start to our week - I am just about to take down our various Christmas decorations and put them back upstairs, together with the tree, lights and all, which will go into the spare bedroom, still decorated, and then it will be time for me to prepare our evening meal.  

We  might just watch something on Netflix - if anyone is interested we binge watched “Stay Close”, which was very good and we had no idea how it would end.  We also watched the Olivia Colman film “The Lost Daughter” - it was OK but we both said it was a little strange, although the critics raved about it.

“I can’t eggs-actly say if
     the chicken was created before the egg,
          all I know is - there has to be an

P.S.  I forgot to say that there is a beautiful Nativity outside this house, which we have seen on our recent walks, so it would be good to stop by and tell them how much we have enjoyed it.

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