New Year resolutions?

We are lucky enough to have a garage; however, the car has never been in it.... because when we moved in, 7 years ago, it became the storage solution for all the boxes and random bits that we couldn't find room for in the house. We were merging two households, and also storing some things for my son and daughter and Richard's two sons... so there was a lot of stuff to deal with. The garage has two upper platforms, with loads of room to stack boxes and then to forget about them :-)
Since then, we've never found time to go through it all. Occasionally we nibble at it, we skim off some things to take to the dump and the charity shop, we heave a big sigh and close the door again.
However, with my recent hunt for old photos and negatives, I've got my mojo back about tackling it all. And Richard needed to look for a birth certificate that his younger son needs (another story, for another day). So in we went.
We didn't find the birth certificate or the photos. But I found some other treasures, which really made my day: several boxes of books from when Jack and Ruth were young, ranging from picture books for toddlers to story books that will suit Eben now. There were some much-loved old favourites there, and some toys too, which will all be useful on the days when Frieda and Luca are with us.
In some ways, leafing through those books also reconnected me with old times, with Jack and Ruth - with many good memories from their childhoods.
So Richard and I will be back in among the boxes later this week I think, and this time, perhaps we'll keep up the momentum for long enough to really clear out the place.  Fingers crossed.

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