Sleeping off ...

... the New Year's celebrations!

Kiera was the first one sleeping on this window hammock bed until Cheddar made room for himself!  I like how Kiera's foot is pushing up against him.  Almost like she's saying, "I was here first. Move over!"  I love them both so much!

We needed to get to Kohl's today to take some Amazon returns there but when we saw the line we changed our minds!  I had some Kohl's cash to use so we did a little shopping instead.  We will take the Amazon returns back some other day.

After leaving Kohl's we stopped at Louise Moore County park for a quick walk.  The weather was so warm I was able to leave my coat in the car. Now I can say that I walked in January without a coat!  Changes are coming tomorrow though and this warmth is short lived.

I have an appointment tomorrow with a register dietician to help me understand what I can and can't eat going forward.  My glucose levels seem to spike in the evening so I need to get that under control.  My doctor recently added an additional insulin injection that I do right before I eat supper which is supposed to help with these spikes.  Time will tell.

I'm grateful for a caring medical team and great health insurance to pay for it all!

The above title brought to mind this picture of our beloved Simba taken eight years ago!  

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