I forgot how beautiful it was

It is good that it is Mono Monday because there is a lot of white out there.

We haven't had snow in so long (two years) that I forgot how beautiful it is when it is falling. Tonight, with snow still on everything, and the golden hour light, was amazing. 

I said this to someone at work and he started to say he remembered ice last year. This is true, we had some scary dangerous ice last year, but we only had snow for 30 minutes. 

The snow on Fire Glow really illustrates her full height and her swirl to the side. When I first saw her the top couple of feet didn't have leaves so I remembered her as shorter than she actually was and had the delusional belief that I could bring her home myself. 

The bumps on the ground are the force fields I put over the heucheras to protect them from the rabbit. A less exciting name is, "cloche." I also put a little metal statue out there in hopes the rabbit would knock it over, get frightened, and avoid my heucheras (never happened). 

We got 6.3 inches and the temperature felt like 21 degrees f (-6 degrees C). Samuel and I just went out again and the feel is 18 degrees f. It is a wonderful opportunity to test my planned Iceland clothing layers. We will have an actual low of 18 later. 500,000 people have lost power, all south of me (you ok Kwtracey?). My in-laws in New York got nothing but a gorgeous sunset.   

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