Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

A rose - how to fix the bloody things

Her Madge made off with Her Older Madge "Fang" the High Empress of Mother in Law to M&S, apparently Fang needs food. I always thought a ready supply of warm blood sufficed for her.

I am tasked with providing support for Mrs Booty's 18 - 20 new roses, which will be espaliered. In order to fit the necessary green plastic coated wire one requires to install about 50 support rings. The normal method of fitting is to gouge a small hole with a bradawl, place a screwdriver through the eye of the fitting then wind away at your boring leisure.

Procrastination has provided this means of achieving the same effect without much effort. Pilot drill a small hole using a lightweight spare drill if possible, place offending article in hole, attach cup hook and press the trigger of the drill. One rose support ring fitted, or "sorted" as they say in other parts of the country.

I make no claim for originality in this manner, a devious chap in Memphis placed it on Google.

If you have just fitted your supports and have sore paws, tough, if you haven't, think about it. Procrastination may be the thief of time but it's an engineering principle.

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