Am I or am I not Covid free?

Filling in the gaps.

I’d agreed to help a friend with printing some photographs for the YPU annual exhibition and so I would have done a LFT before I went anyway, but on Sunday morning I’d woken with a furry throat and a dry cough and a bit of a runny nose, which was a bit worse than usual - I think I have an allergic reaction to something which is always worse in the morning but goes off during the day.  Anyway I thought I’d do a test to check before I met her.  I reported it to the Zoe study, which I’ve been contributing to since the start of the pandemic. 

So we collected her photos on my drive at her house, she followed me back here and then we had a cheese and biscuit bit of lunch and I said the printer running.  Unfortunately, because I was trying to use the wireless connection, it took forever, so we probably were chatting for longer than I intended though she left before it had finished to go and make a birthday cake for her granddaughter. 

All appeared well until I got a text from her yesterday to say she’d tested positive on her LFT and had been to do a PCR test in Barnsley - so we await the result.  I meanwhile got an email from the Zoe study asking me to do a PCR test as a follow-up to reporting my symptoms on Sunday, so I’m just about to reply and book a test.

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