Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Flora needed de-floofing. It was long overdue. We got enough to make another dog!

Mike back to work today and the kids weren't up so after turning Jack out I took the opportunity to ride with Juliet. The temperature has dropped noticeably since the weekend but is more like it should be at this time of year. After not riding for a month I've had a fab week with four rides!! 

Took all the Christmas decs down this afternoon before going back to put Jack to bed and feed Bud and Lime with Tobes. Eva had Irish dancing but has said she doesn't want to go anymore. Seems to be jinxed that every time i buy her the required outfit for whatever club it is that has taken her fancy, she decides to give it up. I think this time is because she's had a falling out with one of the girls but I haven't got to the bottom of it. All I've got is that 'S' thinks she's better than everyone else. Girls are definitely more complicated than boys!!  

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