Tea with added Krust

By KrusTea

Gardening Friday - gardened.

As promised or threatened - here is a pic of the main flower plot of my garden. Things have moved on a bit from the first picture. A wee bit has been weeded, the bulbs have grown a bit, my string is still there stopping the wee doggie next door getting in. and the blooming lilies are . . . growing.

Also, after I took this this afternoon, I gardened a lot at the fence - clipping back the things that are about to blossom but are hugely high and weedy looking, so I've cut them back to let them bush up a bit. Forsythia. (I have been struggling to remember what it's called)

I also did an hour or so of trying to clip back old and dead brambles. Man, those things have got an after life - they cling on even although they're dead and while I did enjoy making things with them, the actual shrubbery is just annoying. And scratchy. Annoying and scratchy. ( I had 3 pairs of gloves on just to stymie it attacking me)

SO I wandered round my garden looking like some sort of Urban Indiana Jones clearing the undergrowth - I should have had a machete and my look would have been complete.

But there's still sun out - and there's a possibility I might be going on holiday tomorrow, so I'm going to go and organise myself! Have a good Friday followed by a great weekend.

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