Another two hours

My niece, who has stayed with us for the last couple of days, returned to Hamilton this morning. In the afternoon, S and I went to daughter C's home to deal with more of the pots and tubs which were moved there nearly a year ago after we sold the apartment.

Emptying the crucifix orchids out of the three tubs they were in, was a real challenge. Having got the ones to keep and be repotted, the remainder of the soil and plants in the tubs was put on the mound Mr H started when last we did some of this. The mound is to the rear and left of my photo for today. Many of the plants may not prosper in this mound, although some will, creating an interesting melange.

In the past I might still have had a run after the two hours working on the pots and tubs, But commonsense, or age, persuaded me otherwise. We are going out for a meal at The Falls restaurant. Entry limited to those with a vaccine passport.

The featured plant is called a ponytail palm. I am informed that it is not a palm, but is an agave; a succulent rather than a tree. It has certainly managed with little attention over the last many months.

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