
By OutAndAbout01

Daft Dug...

This was taken yesterday as Mac had a meltdown in the snow that had fallen overnight, he loves snow as you can see and tries his best to do a snow plough impersonation.

Brother in law got home from hospital on Thursday, we have spent a bit of time giving him some company over last couple of days. Ive batch cooked some chilli, chicken curry, potato & leek soup, jambalaya and made up some sandwich fillings for them also...his wife isn't much of a cook so I know it will be appreciated. He has two slipped discs and is currently on about 9000mg of mixed medication at present and hasn't caught up on much sleep since he got home due to the pain.

'I, I'm a new day rising
I'm a brand new sky
To hang the stars upon tonight
I am a little divided
Do I stay or run away
And leave it all behind?

David Grohl

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