Well it had to happen...

After 5 weeks of staying here, during 3 and a half weeks of which we were in sole charge of her, granddog Oona has returned to Edinburgh with her "mummy & daddy". As you can see she put on her sad face about having to leave our lovely big garden and get into the car but I'm sure she'll quickly settle in again at her usual home.

The house seems eerily quiet and I missed her lively welcome when I got back from the shops this afternoon - but at least we may be able to proceed now with some jobs which have been in forced abeyance! (I may even be able to catch up with some blip commenting!) And no doubt we'll see her & her humans again before long, either here or in Edinburgh.

(PS We're missing her humans just as much of course as they've just spent the last week with us.)

Just noticed - her car is a hybrid and so is she, being a Springer Spaniel/Poodle cross.

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