I Got a Feeling

Things aren’t so bad as the covid seems to have settled into a mild cold. AND I got my mitts on eight hours of the Beatles Get Back. Not for everyone, I’m sure. But my inner nerd finds it totally fascinating. As does my outer nerd so I may return to it. Poor old George, having to put up with a bossy Paul rehearsing Maxwell’s bloody Silver Hammer umpteen times after hanging out in upstate New York with Dylan and the Band.
And I watched a film the previous day - Boiling Point - a one take thing set in a restaurant (Stephen Graham stars) with a tremendous set of performances all round. Though if it’s one take stuff you’re after, nothing beats Victoria from 2015. Astonishing.
Yes, you’ve guessed, I’ve decided to learn about cinema in my enforced incarceration. And where to begin better than with Mark Cousins’ The Story of Film: An Odyssey which plopped onto my doormat in BluRay format. Fifteen hours of whoopee! 

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