
By dunkyc

Cross country

Today’s photo is not of the highest quality as I have had to crop into it, but I am glad of it nevertheless.

It was taken by one of the school mums and features m’boy taking part in his first “official” cross country race today, running 1600m in 8.50 and coming in 41st out of the 99 runners who finished! Very proud of him. He almost didn’t make it as his school declined to take their own participants on Covid grounds, which really upset the boys who were looking forward to it, but fortunately “the mums action group” fuelled by incredulity took control and got the boys to where they needed to be.

I knew they would be tired after swimming this afternoon too, so we had a nice quiet evening with pizza in front of the telly and a game of Yahtzee after their showers. It was very sweet to hear The Youngest singing away to herself as she washed her hair…even if it was an Ed Sheeran song.

The Eldest and I watched (or tried to – we both fell asleep) Eternals, which is on Disney+. I can’t say that I was massively in to it, it just felt like it was too great a scale to really care about the stakes. But for the brilliant No Way Home I would start to question whether I am falling out of love with Marvel movies.

>Insert shocked emoji face here<

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