
By dunkyc

Quizee Rascal or devil in the detail

Every Thursday morning on Radio 2 they run a little 5-question quiz, which m’boy likes to get involved with.

Normally we do OK, but this morning as he sat and listened to the answers (pictured here) he concluded that we only scored two, which was an absolute shocker even by our low standards.

The rest of the day fared better and I was pleased to find that after a little digging and detective work, I’d been able to achieve a 50% increase on a proposed claim settlement for one of clients. 

A walk at lunch in partial sunshine helped keep the spirits up, the afternoon soon whizzed by and before long it was time to collect the wee ones.

The offspring have all been informed about the proposed changes to the house and seem happy with who will be going where (naturally everyone wanted the new room for themselves). The Eldest is setting to work on a pinterest board for hers, m’boy wants a blue room plastered in Chelsea paraphernalia and The Youngest wants red walls with devils painted all over it.

And people wonder why I worry…

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