Early park

While I enjoy a walk to work in the morning, I don’t like to feel as if there is no alternative. What I didn’t realise until I got up to the junction with London Road and beyond was the extent to which large parts of Edinburgh are now gridlocked, as a result of additional road closures: currently York Place westbound (which meant that Leith Street southbound was gridlocked). Soon Leith Street northbound… That also means that my chances of getting any sort of moderately speedy bus home is now zilch. I think I would be faster walking to Lothian Road and looking for the 36 bus… If anyone can think of some sort of bus combo that is going to work without half an hour stuck on York Place or wherever, I would be really grateful…. So today I was left with 45 minutes walking in, and 45 minutes walking home again, which is fine so long as (a) I feel energetic (which I did today) and (b) it isn’t pissing it down…. One other alternative is to get the bike out, but that’s difficult because of the absence of a lift and anyway I would have to take massive diversionary routes in order to avoid getting stuck in traffic and ending up pushing my bike on the pavement. And it hardly solves the rain problem.

Grrhhh. Mood vented.

Anyway, today was a lovely sunny day, and nice and crisp in the morning when I passed through the park. Let’s just hope it is like that tomorrow when I have a repeat performance. After that, I’m staying at home for the rest of the week, because it’s honestly a waste of my time trying to get to work until Edinburgh has sorted itself out.

Anyway, that’s Monday ticked off in a whirl of mainly online meetings and a quick face to face gathering (which was why I went in).

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