By lizzie_birkett

I Did Ballet!

After a wishy washy day of not doing much it was Tap class tonight but I had made up my mind that I would also try the adult ballet too which runs for an hour before tap. I got the 17.45 bus into Skipton to save Frank having to hang about for nearly 2 hours. I loved it though I was a bit disappointed that I couldn’t do the high kicks I prided myself on in my youth! :-D)) I also need to work on being graceful! None of those legs are mine ;-)
Frank came and collected me at 9 o’clock.
It ended my day on a high as I couldn’t get going at all during the day.
I don’t like days like that as I always feel bad for not getting things done.
It made me think though, why should it really matter so much when I am usually quite busy and productive. Hence the poem.

One of Those Days

It’s been a nothing kind of day
Do you have days like that?
Where you plan to start something
But never quite get there, so in the end
You give in and sit, and read a bit

Such days seem such a waste of time
You should have been more productive
Made better use of your hours - knitted,
Drawn a picture, sewn a seam or two
Instead you just sat and read a bit

Should we measure a day’s success
By the amount we have achieved?
Or should we accept our idleness,
Procrastinate, enjoy it. I’ll ponder this
Make a cuppa, sit and then read a bit.

The seeds I ordered arrived today so I must get the propagator out tomorrow. It doesn’t seem like a year since I had seedlings on every window sill. How time flies.

Anyway, I’m really tired now so off to bed with my book.

Goodnight Blippers :-)X

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