A time for everything

By turnx3

White trout lily

A beautiful Spring day today, with the mercury topping out at about 67F (about 19C)! After a latish breakfast and Roger's weekly phone-call to his parents, we went out to run a few errands and then went walking at Rowe Woods. I took quite a lot of shots so it was hard choosing which one to post. Should it be the red-spotted newt, or the turtles sunning themselves on a log, or the goldfinches at the feeder or the pussywillow? I finally opted for this beautiful wildflower, the white trout lily. I had seen one solitary one last week, but this week in one area we saw quite a number of them. At the time I didnt know what they were, so we stopped at the visitor center as we left and asked someone, and they were able to show us a display of photographs of wildflowers blooming currently in the woods. It is so named for the mottled leaves which resemble the skin of a trout. If you're interested in seeing more pictures from our walk, you can check out my Smugmug gallery here.
We then came home and had time to get a few jobs done before getting dinner, then heading downtown to Music Hall for a Cincinnati Symphony concert. It was a very enjoyable concert - a Smetana piece, Barber violin concerto featuring Sarah Chang and Dvorak Symphony No 6. It seems like so many famous musicians and artists had such tragic lives. Smetana, for example, like Beethoven became totally deaf, apparently due to Syphilis and later had to be committed to an asylum. Dvorak and his wife lost three children in infancy, two of them within three months of each other. Yet, throughout and despite this tragedy, they continued to compose wonderful inspiring music.
Well, its late now, and we have to be up early in the morning, so I'd better head off to get some sleep. Goodnight, fellow blippers!

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