Flower Friday : : Streletzia

Oft photographed and out of focus as I fumbled  to hold the big piece of Arche watercolor paper behind it with one hand and work the phone camera with the other. Acutely aware that if I dropped the phone it would shatter on the stone steps because I haven't gotten around to getting a screen protector yet. I rather liked the misty image so here is yet one more  Streletzia for Flower Friday. They have gotten so tall that there are a couple of them peering into the bathroom window. Thank you as always to Biker Bear who has quietly run this challenge as well as living her busy life for a long time.

Thanks to Kathy I found a way to sleep reasonably comfortably by supporting my wayward spine with pillows and props. And Dan gave me some homemade pot gummies to aid in the sleeping effort....

We had coffee with our Friday group at Trail House and Spike sat quietly, only having to be shifted down the row of chairs when he tried to eat the pile of beer mats supporting one leg of the table.. One of my favorite baristas made the coffee and it was excellent.

I wore my zinfandel coat and got votes of approval from the women. The men didn't even notice. 

A surprise phone call resulted in a visit from our friend Fran and her dog Ziggy. It was warm enough to sit outside today and we decided to pretend we didn't hear the beeping gravel movers grinding up the hill next door. We had a nice catch up while Ziggy helped John in the garden. 

I tidied up the indoor plants and made a note to repot them soon., moving from that to cleaning the front doorstep  and  oiling  the door handles. I considered vacuuming the back part of the house which John never did, and decided that it would just get dusty again before I finished.

I think I will be knitting Dana's Christmas present, a couch throw, until
next Christmas, but since they are still waiting for the couch they ordered six months ago, I guess I have time. Having to start over when I realized it wasn't even going to be big enough for the cat didn't speed the process along much.

We're going to the neighbors for brisket dinner in a little while...a very social day!

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