A Day In The Life

By Irish59

Follow the Leader

Overnight they ate from their table but this morning two adults and two younger dear deer returned to the yard to eat at the bird feeders. It was -12F. We watched from inside the house until their leader decided it was time to go and led two across the street into the woods. The last smaller deer remained at the feeders for a few minutes longer, and when he departed he did not follow the leader. Asserting his independence, I suppose • Another cold but sunny January day here. Grateful for the sun and our many wildlife visitors • In the evenings we’ve been watching Peaky Blinders on Netflix. We tried watching once before but found the accents/dialects challenging to understand and gave up on it. This turn we were more determined to stick with it, and although we don’t catch every word, we’re glad we did because it’s so well written and acted. It won’t be for everyone’s taste but if you like mob flicks, you’ll likely enjoy this too • Enjoy your Saturday!

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