Rose Bowl

I can’t believe how little I have moved today - despite my good intentions. I’m really tired having slept abysmally due to breathing issues that my new inhaler has yet to remedy, so once my sister is taken to the airport for her return flight to Spain, it’s a case of binge-watching  ‘Stay Close’ on Netflix, and catching up on things like ‘Green Planet’. We realise that the last five weeks have involved almost constant hosting of family and friends, and I think it’s finally caught up! 

I miss my camera walks at times like these - I need them for my health and well-being - and tomorrow will hopefully see a return to Fitbit challenges, exercise, healthy(ish) eating, alcohol free days; essentially, my new year starts from here! 

Meanwhile, the subject of today’s blip is a green glass rose bowl full of tiny fairy lights! At least I’ve moved away from flowers! And for the first time in days, I’m managing to post before midnight! 

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