By lizzie_birkett

Something’s Coming Up!

Though I don’t know what, could be snowdrops, daffs, crocus or all of the above. Surprise surprise!

I took Bella for morning walkies as Frank had to take the car for a service in Clitheroe. What a shock he got they told him his MOT was overdue - by 4 months! Frank told the guy that he pays it by Direct Debit and he told Frank that is why. Apparently they don’t send you a reminder when you pay that way. Time just goes by and you forget. Slap on the wrist - could have been worse :-D)) Anyway, MOT now done and passed.

Now I’m going to sort out a big box of photos…with the doors of the wood burner open to chuck stuff in ;-)

We watched ‘Four Lives’ over the last couple of nights. Awful how the police failed the families.

Blip and poem done early today!

Thanks for all the lovely comments, stars and hearts :-)X


When worries weigh heavy on your shoulders
When someone you hold dear can’t be helped
When your favourite mug crashes to the floor
You’re unhappy with the cards you’ve been dealt
Go out and look up, see the vastness of the sky
As you walk, feel the ground beneath your feet 
Hear a blackbird sing, see it digging for worms
Raise a stone just to see what dwells beneath
We often overlook the many wonders out there
The tiny creatures, moss and lichens on the walls
We walk past them each day without seeing them
While we watch countries and governments fall.

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