City Mills

Walking home from the Vaccines , this is next to the town lade.

The shift was quite quiet but we did have a few laughs. We had a young couple arrive for their boosters complete with a 6 week old baby and two handbag dogs under their arms! Ha! Fiona spotted a couple of shoplifter thieves in the gin shop, an elderly lady who had been putting off having her booster was dropped off by her sons who had travelled from England to get her there , she was happy enough to come pushed more by the death of her friend two weeks ago who had kept on at her to get it. Another elderly lady who proudly showed me her thick cardi, asking me to guess how old it was , I was wrong, it was 50 years old and also her exclusive hand knitted hat (she was sweet). The ‘secret list’ and a guy who was in to get his booster and sitting with the vaccinator and then told her he had just been for a pcr and awaiting results as his landlady is positive and was with her yesterday! It’s not recommended to get it if you have Covid but he said the rules were crap and just to do it. He should be self isolating so the whole chair was wiped down with great gusto.

I walked home and the wind was bitter! I was glad of the soup As was starving. For some reason I was exhausted and could have nodded off but held it together till 10pm.

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