Cherry Eaters

A minky visit and she was on such good form, just content to play with her familiars in little corners. As well as sitting with grandpa doing some drawing with her new pens of course. I did make the mistake of showing her a video on the laptop of the lovely boat (having just drawn one). Blimey, she was nearly out her kiddie chair like a rocket. A very distressed rocket. I can see I’ll need to break her in gently if I want her to come crewing. 
Oh, and we ate cherries. Luckily that washes off like her new pens.
Later, a film along at Vue - Nightmare Alley, Guillermo del Toro’s latest. A good looking big romp of a film with plenty hokum, not forgetting Cate Blanchett, which you’ve got to like.
Back home for the traditional haggis and whisky, followed by gaviscon. I should pen an ode to it.

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