New Fridge, Old Fridge Magnets

Our new fridge arrived today and we said goodbye to our noisy old one....working away for us since 2002! Same make but internally different. It will take us a while to get used to the changes in shelving etc.

We removed the fridge magnets from the old fridge. They have been there for years and I think weve stopped looking at them. So I was surprised to see that they were mainly some that I brought back from a conference in Houston, Texas many years ago! Cats, especially the Coronation Street made up the rest. There was one we bought back from a lovely holiday in Maine. I'm sorry blipper DDW, who lives in Maine, has taken a break from blip as she would be pleased, I think, that I had kept that little memory.

Just back from the final panto rehearsal before the dress rehearsal. It will be a splendid show, starting Friday night.

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