
We walked into town this morning mainly for a coffee but also to pick up some stuff for Doreen. We passed this woodpecker on the way to Doreen’s to collect any mail.

One letter was from the TV Licensing Authority threatening the occupier of Doreen’s house with a visit, prosecution or fine. We’d cancelled her TV licence ages ago. It took a very long time to talk to a human. When I did I had to be very restrained but firm. I’ll be writing a letter of complaint. Anyone else had this trouble?

The skies cleared this afternoon while we were outside working in the garden, clearing snd sorting the greenhouse and washing a never decreasing pile of pots and trays left over from the summer.

Online Uketok this evening which makes the muscles move and the synapses explode. Susan played her guitar. I’m resting the fingertips of my left hand in iced water now.

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