It never rains, but it doesn't.

There are times when you have to laugh at the weather forecast. I have this icon on the bottom of the screen - no idea where it came from - which gives me a local weather forecast as well as events happening around the world. At the moment, 4pm, it says the ''nearest rain is 40km away." And also not long ago it said something to the effect that we needn't think of rain for some hours. Well it's been raining most of the day though the weather map shows rain only touching the east coast of Scotland and just a touch in the far northwest! Glad I don't pay for the forecast! 

I put some house plants outside earlier as it was wet and still - a light breeze, apparently - to get a good washing. They'll probably be covered in snow shortly! The pot of cacti second from left is full of offsets from the cactus on the far left. I removed them last spring, potted them and left them outside until late autumn. Meanwhile the parent is growing another lot!

I've been getting on with my 'A Gardener's World' talk as it's too wet to go out. I must be nearly finished - just as well, as I have to Zoom it on 16th February!

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