Nadine Pierce, a snapshot

By nadinepierce

Testing Testing

It was soooo quiet this morning, not to mention great being able to get a good night's sleep without windows and wind playing silly buggers.

I'd planned to make up some test candles for some potential new fragrances this morning and then head out but I ended up getting properly sucked in. Oh well, at least it was a productive day, with a clear roadmap for the next two weeks. Today's candles are just to see if they smell good unlit - really key as that's how most people decide which ones they would like to purchase. Next stage is to test the most promising ones lit to ensure they have a decent hot throw too. The stage after that is to then test different types of wicks and different percentages of fragrance to get the best burning and best fragrance throw possible and then at the end of of all the testing, which will take a few weeks, I should have the recipes for some nice new fragrances which will then need making up. Hopefully, just in time for the markets starting up again in March.

The rain came in again late afternoon and storm Corrie is now making itself known. Not as insanely gusty as Malik but still pretty noisy. Time to get the headphones out to try and cancel it out. Shouldn't cause any damage on its own, unless of course things already weakened yesterday give way. Stay safe folks.

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