By Yorkshirebred

Sunday walk

A hard frost this morning, but bright and sunny so decided to get out reasonably early for a walk.  Took some duck and swan food up to Coppice Pond and think most of the waterfowl must have decided it was breakfast time as I was surrounded!  The Moorhens usually beat a hasty retreat as people walk along the path, but this one seemed to be posing in the sunshine, and quite happily stayed put as I took photos. I took lots of photos as I walked, but liked this one the best.  I walked to the cafe and bought a takeaway coffee and then meandered all over the estate.  Perfect temperature for walking, and the gales had eased overnight, but due back later this evening.  Not many people around at first, but I was out a couple of hours and it was starting to get busy as I wandered back down to the road. It seemed a long day with being out early, and I got quite a few things done.  Ended the day watching the last of Afterlife - the ending finished me off!  I never used to like Ricky Gervais, but this series has changed my mind.

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