
Time capsule.... I wondered for a brief moment what to choose.  I hardly join BLIP challenges, but, sometimes, there's something that fits the specified category.  These two gadgets could be obsolete in 10 to 20 years, or so upgraded that these models would no longer be recognizable.  We will have gotten used to the new ones by then.

A storm from the west covered the whole country today.  'Druilerig', but it will pass.  That said, what do I know.  Our day went through its paces.

Another company passed by to look at the fungus in the bedroom.  Our neighbour informed his other next-door neighbour, who is now also interested, so we might be a party of three to split the bill, and there'll be a discount.  Sounds good.

On to other news -- there's a writer's group that has invited me to join in their discussions.  There'll be ZOOM meetings once a week.  I wonder if they will push through and how long the meetings will take.  They've scheduled them around dinner time our time, and it appears that I am the only European.  If it pushes through, I'll see how it goes.  As you know, I am not a social person, and there is already room for constructive feedback on the course site itself.

Third bit of news -- smoke alarms will become mandatory in the whole country starting July this year.  Our insurance agency has alerted all its clients, and, to help everyone who might be interested, they have found a supplier of said alarms who are willing to sell sets of three alarms per client with a 50% discount.  AW and I have agreed that that sounds like a good deal, so we will order one set of three -- one for upstairs, one for downstairs, one for the front shed.  Nice side-effect = AW will be discouraged from having the occasional smoke inside the house.  That is something I am definitely looking forward to.

AW went to Monday live bridge this evening, the first in months.  All gatherings and dining out should be done by 22.00, so the session began at 19.30 instead of the usual 20.00 for the local club.  I hope he stays safe.  The virus has already put a brake on so many activities and upped the number of risky situations, but life has to move forward, too.

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