
By Marionb

Stuff it!

Sometimes it doesn't pay to delve too deeply into one's yarn closet. One never knows what one might this unfinished project! 

I didn't even remember that I had started it..I knew that bag of Jo Sharp yarn had been purchased for a special reason...and I vaguely remembered it had something to do with tea cosies.. but here, hidden in the back of the closet, was what looked like the basic section of a knitted tea cosy? ..started, but not finished, and obviously waiting for some more parts...but would I still have the pattern somewhere? 

I searched the knitting bookshelf and found two tea cosy pattern books and ..eureka! ..I found what had to be the pattern in one of them..and of course it was a complicated one - The Carmen Miranda one..the one on the cover ..the one with knitted fruit and a bunch of feathers sticking up out of it!  Perhaps that is why I gave it up in the first place? Just a bit too fussy and complicated? But..hmm.. it sure was funky..and used a lot of fun colours..exactly the colours in that bag of Jo Sharp yarns! hmmm

So...what did I do today? I knit a lemon, a lime and an orange and stuffed them all with polyester fibre fill - Tomorrow? Grapes and a funky flower... 

The feathers may be a bit of a challenge! 

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