Neck And Neck

Our sewage drain has become slightly blocked. As we have Home Emergency insurance cover I phoned to arrange for someone to come out and deal with it, only to be told that unless it was actually overflowing and / or causing damage to the property, we weren’t covered. Surely, I said it makes sense to cure the problem before it gets to that stage? Apparently not; I’ve got to wait until it’s more expensive to put right. So I got the rods out and managed to clear it partially but I know Ikm just delaying the inevitable.

This afternoon’s fun was a visit to the physiotherapist. I’ve been getting a lot of shoulder and neck pain and friends recommended me to this particular practice. I’ve been suspecting that the pain is somehow linked to my balance problems and it turns out I may well be right. 

Poor posture has put pressure in the joints at the top of my spine where it joins the base of the skull and apparently there are nerves there that send messages about balance to the brain which are probably being pinched.

Anyway after a bit of manipulation and lessons in exercises to do I felt much more loose in the neck region, about 2 inches taller and a few quid lighter!

This evening we were at Huish Park for Yeovil’s game against local rivals, Weymouth. The photo was taken with a few minutes to go with both sides neck and neck at 1-1. Despite going close to winning in the final stages, the game finished 1-1, which was a fair result.

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