
By dunkyc

The stripper's lament

My hands are raw and I am thoroughly exhausted after a long day of hot and steamy action.

I didn’t get as much stripping done as I might have liked. The bit pictured here in the current main bedroom was an absolute pain to remove, but there is only a little remaining, which means that I will definitely finish tomorrow and the transition from putty coloured walls to mucus will be complete.

Trying not to think too much about the oncoming dust tsunami. My builder bashed an exploratory hole in the ceiling to enable him and the stairs guy to properly figure out their measurements and the amount of dust and detritus which crashed to the floor was rather grim.

Also trying not to think about the “increased cost of living” news breaking today, just as I borrow more to undertake a major house project. Although, it shouldn’t be too much of an issue as I don’t have much of a social life to speak of, so I’m sure I’ll muddle through and if the worst comes to the worse, I’m open to selling some vital organs.

The Eldest and I collapsed with a Chinese takeaway (whilst we can still afford it) in front of Killing Eve before I succumbed to the weight of my eyelids and crashed out at nine-thirty.

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