Hanging On

As with yesterday another wet day, but more of a drizzle which attached itself to this fine asparagus fern.  I took this through the window and had to contend with the wind, but reasonably happy with the result.  It was OK in colour (all very green), decided to convert to mono which to me is much better.
I've popped a screenshot of our Lexi, looking very happy in her new summer uniform.  New shoes too, but not to be seen in the pic.  She was so excited to be going off to school finally on Monday (Queensland delayed the opening of schools for two weeks).
I finally finished the editing for the photo book, over 2500 photos, so some hard decisions to be made as I make the book.  Much relief to have that HUGE job behind me.  
My garden will see more of me from now on.

Enjoyed watching the Winter Games this morning, the thistle segment was gobsmackingly amazing.

Cold, the fire has been going all day, but improvements are expected tomorrow.


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