First of all I just want to say how very saddened I an to hear that the 5 year old Moroccan boy trapped in a well has died.  I have to admit crying when I heard this.  My thoughts go to his parents and all his loved  ones right.  x


This was the scene that greeted us earlier this morning.  Hubby said it was even better but I got up just a few minutes too late for that!!!!!  Sadly gorgeous sky did lead to a glorious day.

Had a hair appointment this mornng, so duly arrived at 10.00 am, to find my hairdresser waiting for me, having just called my hubby as I hadn't turned up!!! It transpires that, unusually, my appointment was for 9.45 (15 minutes earlier than usual) and I'd got the time wrong - Aaarrgghhh!..  Still she didn't mind, especially as I am never late (well usually);  By the time I came out of the hairdressers 2 hours later it was raining - thank goodness my jacket has a hood on it!!

The lounge  is coming along very nicely.  The decorator will be doing a full day to day and the two more half days (to allow for drying times) and we will be finished - wahooooo.

Hubby has also been in town and arranged for Wilsons (next door to Comptons on Kents Bank Road) to come and measure up for a new carpet tomorrow  at 5.00 pm!!!!

Everywhere is so busy, but Michael (the decorator) suggested trying Wilsons as he says they are really good.  Now in Kents Bank road there is a row of shops, Robinsons Euronics, Wilsons and Comptons - we always thought they were all the same firm just different sections, but apparently this is not so!!!  We'd already tried Comptons and HDC round the corner and they can't fit us in until end of March at the earliest.  Wilsons says they are busy and it could well be tomorrow but they can come to measure up tomorrow to give us a quote.  Well why not!!

Looks like my idea of a holiday this yea is slowly slipping away, still I'd rather have the lounge sorted.  It will only be new curtains in there then and that room will be done for some years to come, we hope

I enclose a collage from some of the stormy photos I took in Morecambe yesterday.  You can see the dark skies in some of them that was just before I got drenched!!

Anyway blippers, thank you so much for all your lovely stars, hearts and comments - all much appreciated.  

Do take care and stay safe and I will see you tomorrow..

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