Little prick...

Or several hundred of them!

Interesting afternoon taking photos for nice car boss at the beginning of a client event I'm helping with over the next year. I'm looking forward to the challenge. Of course, I was witness to some things I wasn't quite expecting to witness but I dare say that's only a taster of what's to come. I thought I'd spare the blushes theirs and yours, I never blush and blip something relatively uncompromising!

The one good thing it's done for me today is to make me think about pulling my finger out of my lardy arse and jump on their fitness bandwagon. I decided a couple of years ago I wasn't going to be fat and 40. Well that was an epic fail so I'm damn sure that I'm not going to be fat and 41 so when I come back my hols, the full scale diet/exercise/fitness/health plan is kicking into action. So there!

In other news when I woke up this morning, my baggy eye was all swollen again, as has been the norm every morning so I called the hospital when I got to work and asked for some advice. They were brilliant and just told me to go up and they'd have someone look at me to make sure there's no infection. Apparently because of the size of the defect the drainage is now a problem. Their advice was to sleep sitting up. Not quite sure how I'm going to manage that exactly, I'm a face down flat sort of sleeper, but I'm going to drag my beanbag into bed tonight not a euphemism and attempt a different position.

Thank you to my friend for the hug(s). x

9 sleeps! Whoop!!

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