
By dunkyc

Over Gooseholme

The blue skies have caught my builder unaware and unprepared leaving me to write a sentence that I never thought I would: I was disappointed not to see someone bashing a big hole in my roof today.

The forecast for the rest of the week is awful, so looks like the Velux installation will remain tantalisingly delayed.

I’ve been trying and failing to snap the birds coming down into the rear yard here. As I looked out at one moment, there was a lovely pair of tits (blue) staring back at me and thinking that today’s blip had written itself, I turned to grab my camera, but true to form they’d disappeared before I’d had a chance to capture them. 

Instead here’s a view over the Gooseholme putting green, which I took on the nicest lunchtime walk I’ve had in a long while. Pleased to say that I am feeling better in body and mind following a number of key decisions of late. Firstly, is that the anti-depressants aren’t working. They’ve made me feel stoned (not in the good way), weird, nauseous, weirder still and generally quite unpleasant, so I’ve begun the weaning-off process and already feel much brighter for it – had the best night’s sleep for a long while last night.

I’ve also spoken to my boss about spending more time in the office. We’re short on experience in our place, so instead of continuing to moan about it and do nothing, I’ve offered the one thing I have to give, which is the benefit of my experience to our young team. Lord knows I’m not perfect, and I don’t have a whole bunch of fancy initials after my name, but I do at least have a vague idea of what I’m doing and what our clients expect.

Feel like I’ve been a passenger in my own life these past few weeks, but it’s time to get behind the wheel again.

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