Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


Here is Xena watching another dog walking towards her. I also spent the walk watching other dogs approaching, as a couple of days ago two Doberman dogs attacked a Labrador who was walking here in our local woods - the poor Labrador ended up having surgery and the owner of the Dobermans walked off and has yet to be identified. I have also just heard that a fox killed a cat, crushed its entire head - how awful.

After my walk I went to our local pharmacy for my pre-travel antigen test. Thankfully the person doing the test allowed me to administer the swab myself, as ever since that barbaric test in Switzerland last summer where they pushed the swab up the nose and right down on to the tonsils, I have a fear of someone else doing the test. The certificate was emailed to me within half an hour, it was all very efficient.

I then completed all the online Covid travel documents, and got into a bit of a panic as the Iceland authorities emailed me to say my travel documents were 'unable to be validated'. I did notice that they flagged up that my Covid vaccine certificate was in a different name to that of my passport - that is because when I first registered with the NHS they spelt my name incorrectly, its so annoying. I later found out that everyone in our group got the same email, apparently its a normal response from the Iceland authorities! I have also contacted my local GP surgery to ask them to correct the spelling of my name, I hope it will get done.

After lunch I collected my camera club competition prints from the print secretary, and we chatted about the judges comments which are always interesting. We both thought that the judge was fair and gave considered responses. We have another print competition in two weeks time so hopefully I get some suitable images from my trip.

I spent the rest of the afternoon packing - as in placing all the things in the suitcase, and not just laying them out and deciding what to take, as I usually do! I have left a few things behind as my case is very full.

Tonight we should have been in London at the theatre to see Life of Pi, but I decided not to risk going to stay Covid free. Luke and Meriel were very pleased to get our tickets instead. With the announcement from our PM that all Covid isolation could end this month it will mean people have to be extra careful before travelling, as other countries still require pre-entry tests.

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