The second half of life..

By twigs

Lake Lyndon grebe

It's funny (odd!) how we can allow our minds to travel in one direction and never consider that alternatives may exist. I've always considered myself someone who can find alternatives to problems........(and I do love a bit of problem solving!) so why then did I fall into the trap of thinking that the only way to get my laundry done whilst out and about vanning was to check into a camp ground? A discussion with a fellow vanner at last night's stopping spot opened my eyes to another alternative - one that I simply hadn't even thought of. Wait for it - it's a mind-blower.............a laundromat!! After last night's discussion I did a bit of google research, found the nearest laundromat then this morning, headed there after breakfast. A simple 10 minute drive, massive and relatively quick washers, even more massive and quick driers and for the measley cost of under $20 I had done 3 loads of washing, condensed it down to 2 loads of drying and within a little over an hour it was all washed, dried and folded and I was ready for the rest of the day. That easy! I'll be adding that wee gem to my list of van skills. (I know, I know - almost everyone else would have thought 'laundromat' first.....!)

Headed then to Rolleston for a catch-up coffee with teejay which was great. There sure was a bit to catch up on but it was obvious from T's demeanour that she's feeling very relaxed and stress-free.

I need to drop in to see my solar system man in Ashburton about a wee issue that's arisen since the install. As today is Friday, it didn't seem very fair to drop in on him at short notice so I've decided I'll text him to say I'll be there on Monday (he does know I'm coming 'sometime'), spend the weekend tootling around the hills then head to Ashburton on Sunday afternoon. Tonight's stopping spot is Lake Lyndon where I spotted this wee beauty on his/her nest not far away from where I've parked (though this shot was of him/her taking a rest from egg sitting and taking a meander through the pond grasses). The beautiful sunshine that this image was taken in late this afternoon has been replaced by rolling mist and fogginess this evening. Hope it doensn't get too wet over night - I'm a tad over all the rain we've had lately.

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