Getting the sparkle back

By DomesticGoddess


I think this is a buddleia, just coming into leaf now, and looking quite exotic with that bright green. I went out briefly to move my car further up the street away from trees and the area that floods easily. This was in honour of Storm Dudley which is forecast to bring winds of up to 90 mph this afternoon and evening. We then should get a brief respite before Storm Eunice hits on Friday with more strong winds and possibly snow. Hey ho.

Otherwise it was a day of boring but necessary things: my boiler started leaking, however J was able to come and fix it at lunchtime; my landline hasn't been working for some time and I finally checked it out and the engineers will fix it over the next few days. I didn't succeed in getting an appointment to get my car looked at, so will try again tomorrow: someone scraped it yesterday but left a note so his insurers are dealing with it. I did manage to make an appointment for Lexi and Alfie to get their boosters. I'm due a bit of light relief this evening in the way of a Zoom talk on the South of Scotland Golden Eagle Project.

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