Storm Eunice

Eunice stampeded through during today causing the expected disruption and damage. Plenty of photos on FB of trees fallen across roads in the village. Fortunately, I’ve not heard of any injuries in our locality.

We delayed a walk until it was nearly dark. Plenty of evidence of minor damage strewn across pavement, including this tree which had crashed through a fence. Our only damage was the loss of a couple of windowpanes in the greenhouse.

Being confined to barracks gave us the time to watch the GB ladies curling team win their match against Sweden. It’s the first time I’ve watched the sport. Fascinating!

It gave comedians plenty of hooks for endless gags, for example: “now is the perfect opportunity to get rid of your rubbish, just chuck it over the fence and blame it on the storm….” I’ll get my coat.

All being well, that’s the end of the winds for a while, although heavy rain is now forecast for tomorrow. I hope your are all safe.

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