The red kites seemed to be having a joyous time surfing the wind today. If they could have said 'wheeeee' I'm sure they would have done. Perhaps they did.

Nearer ground, vast sheets of plastic around the Tesco building site were catching the wind like sails and I wondered how safe they were, until I remembered that H&S is so rigorous on building sites that I was at very much more risk from the roofs of the Victorian houses opposite. 

Then I came home and read Tivoli's blip.

It was my turn with plastic sheeting this afternoon: I managed to get the replacement plastic over my 'bike-shed' frame - backstory (but not picture) from two days ago - but it was far too wet to add gaffer tape. I hope I've tucked the sheet in well enough in for it to resist tonight's wind. The whole contraption is forced against the wall by two bins but I'm not 100% confident.

While I was trying to control wet wind-blown plastic I heard huge cheers wafting down the street so once it was as under control as I could get it I went in search. At the university sports ground two sodden hockey teams were battling it out under illuminated horizontal rain. The nasty snobbish sheet fixed to the fence ('I'd rather go to Brookes than wear minty green') enabled me to deduce more than I needed to know - Oxford University vs Cambridge University and Cambridge University (lined up at the far end) plays in a tasteful sage green.

For those who don't know, Oxford Brookes University was created from the previous poly, teacher training college and art college. It's a very good university but the older university's vile arrogance dies hard.

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