Finishing touches…….

…….by Raymond.
He is a real craftsman and takes such pride in his work.
He will finish mid afternoon and then we have the task of putting everything back in place which is on the dining table!
Needless to say, some things won’t make it as we decided to have a clear out of things we do not use now.
Some will go to upcycling and others to the charity shops.
I’m currently up in the loft room with a view over the gardens and the trees and bushes are being buffeted this way and that.
At the moment a squally shower is rattling through.
Storm Franklin certainly made his presence felt.
Supposed to calm down again in a bit!
Best wishes to our Queen who has contracted Covid.
Just as Boris has announced the end of all restrictions and we are to live with it!
Hey ho! And still he survives!!!
In the meantime, we took ourselves off for lunch whilst the kitchen was occupied. Photo in extra

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