
Blip tells me it's my '5th Birthday' of entries today - how time flies!

Thought it just had to be a poem for today, so below is the wonderful Judith Wright with a verse about our 'five senses' - it's taken from her 1963 collection, of the same name, which I've actually got a first-edition copy of ...

... I may well blip another poem from it over the coming days, but couldn't resist the obvious snap for today ;-)

Five Senses

Now my five senses
gather into a meaning
all acts, all presences;
and as a lily gathers
the elements together,
in me this dark and shining,
that stillness and that moving,
these shapes that spring from nothing,
become a rhythm that dances,
a pure design.

While I'm in my five senses
they send me spinning
all sounds and silences,
all shape and colour
as thread for that weaver,
whose web within me growing
follows beyond my knowing
some pattern sprung from nothing-
a rhythm that dances
and is not mine.


Judith Wright (1915 - 2000)


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