Paws Crossed…

…the Munni-cat is recuperating nicely from her 12-hour-ordeal at the vet’s yesterday. 

She was still very wobbly in the late evening, so she had to stay in P‘s office, which is the warmest room in the house. 

Around three in the morning, her meowing woke me up, and I let her out and gave her a small portion of soft food. 

So far, so good. But later, I had to lock her in once more. Chaiyya started attacking her mercilessly, with fully fluffed tail and loud hisses. I don’t think Chaiyya recognizes her furry housemate at all, and Munni stands no chance against her.

So I have not only played nurse to the Munni-cat all day, giving her antibiotics, pain medication and more infusions, I also acted as buffer zone between her and Chaiyya. 

But as soon as I get up or little Munni moves from her nest, Chaiyya attacks again. My hopes for a quiet night are dwindling.

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