Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


He looks the very picture of innocence but inside that brindle head, the wheels are turning, moves are being plotted, mischief planned. Luckily, I am getting pretty good at using these times to get various chores done. I spent over an hour in my office today working on finances while he snoozed on the futon sofa a few feet away. I also got several long-winded phone calls done (things I’ve been putting off).

We tried for a walk on the Lane today and things were going very well...until the rain started. This boy hates water. As the drops got heavier, he was pulling like a draft horse and kept pawing his ears (he can’t bear wet ears). So the next thing I knew, we were both running the last quarter mile to get home, quite a sight, I’m sure.

Tomorrow is going to be warm and dry so I’m meeting my birder friends for a walk up at the Refuge. I’m told that a pair of great horned owls have taken over an abandoned eagle nest so hoping we see them!

Dark with caramel and sea salt today


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