Waves Again

A windy day again, calmer tonight.  It started snowing on my way to work, with thunder and lightning.  Snow turned to rain, and then back to snow tonight, but fairly wet.

Up early, and headed to work in the airport, early shift.  I've been working on the check-in desk all day, and it's never stopped.  A few delays and and other problems.  I missed the scheduled jet that arrived in this evening.  A fairly quiet evening at home, some walkies with Sammy and then an early night. 

It was fine getting back to work, but such a shock on a busy day.  Had my lunch away from the airport, of sorts, and chilled out, literally, it was freezing.  The gales continue to blow, with the waves crashing on the end of the runway.  Shame there wasn't a aeroplane getting ready to take-off, when I snapped this.  Taken at Sand of Hayes, Sumburgh.  

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