My appointment at the Freeman Hospital was at 4pm so I pottered around at home until 2pm and then I got the bus to Newcastle.  Before getting another bus to the hospital I nipped up to Grey Street to get my blip shot.

The Mono Monday theme today is " Landmark " so I've chosen to blip Greys Monument. It is a monument to Charles Grey ( 2nd Earl Grey) built in 1838.  It was erected in recognition of Earl Grey passing the Great Reform Act of 1832.  Lord Grey stands on top of a 135 foot high column.  The wide base of the column is a popular meeting point and also acts as a venue for buskers, religious speakers and political activists/protesters. Nothing happening there today as I passed by. Thanks to jensphotos for hosting the challenge.

It seems appropriate to feature Lord Grey in my blip as during his political career he was a constant advocate of peace and a champion of civil liberties. I wonder what he would make of the current situation in Ukraine.

I caught a bus to the Freeman Hospital at around 3.20pm and reached the Day Centre in time for my 4pm appointment.  However they had double booked the appointment so I had  to wait while they did the other lady's treatment.  Hers was just a quick procedure so it wasn't too long a wait.  I had the same trainee surgeon and nurse  as last time - but a different supervisor. There was only one vein to do this time - in the right leg  - but again, same as last time, it proved tricky.  Trainee and supervisor both tried to cauterise it and it was very painful at times.  Especially the longer they went on. And they had to keep doing more injections of local anaesthetic ..... more pain.  In the end they had to give up on the idea of cauterisation and injected foam into the vein instead.  End result is the same apparently.  I didn't care what they did by this time I just wanted out of there.  I did get a nice cup of coffee afterwards. And a lovely compression stocking was fitted - I have to wear it for 5 days and 5 nights. It goes from my toes to the top of my leg.  At least I don't have to keep taking it on and off.  And after two hours in the hospital I could now leave.

Bus back to Newcastle, shopping in Waitrose and bus home. 

The weather today has been terrible.  Constant rain the whole time.  Not pleasant to be out and about.

Steps today - 9,101

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