A Walk on the Beach

I had to have another pre-surgery PCR test this morning and as the COVID assessment centre is down at the lake, I went for a wee walk on the beach afterward. It felt good to be out of the house after this past week of being rather confined. 

It was a very calm day on the water, and quite peaceful with only a few people around ..and those who were there were photographers!  Over in the harbour the ducks were hanging out in the icy water.. ..not on shore  as they often are.  Normally they would all be huddled up beside the parking lot waiting for folks to come along with some seed to throw their way..

But...that was not going to happen today...That whole section of the park is being blocked off. It is going to be the staging area for some construction work being done on the breakwater wharf on the other side of the harbour and this morning, they were setting up a huge crane in order to lift materials up and over the water and drop them onto it and putting up fencing.
I don't  know how much of the area will be fenced off, but  I assume the promenade will still be available during the construction, just not from that entrance and parking lot. At least I hope so, or a lot of people (and ducks) are going to be disappointed... the feeding of the ducks is a pretty popular ritual at that spot....as is watching the sunset from one's car! 

Perhaps the upside will be that there will be new subject matter for blips?  
That crane is pretty awesome......

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