Nearly wine day

Well what a crazy start to the morning. Harp is like a teenager with a split personality when she hasn't had enough sleep. Oh my goodness I'll be needing a crate of wine on a Friday when I'll have four teenage wildlings. 

And bless, the Jedi just gets on with whatever he is doing and just ignores it all. After his nap I don't have tv on to see if he plays with anything. He was saying "hello daddy" on the toy phone and when I said "where's daddy? " He would repeat it over and over. I need to change the way I speak to him when it comes to learning. I'm like the FBI and researching what strategies I can do to help with echolalia. 

The big boys got in well at school. And got a surprise when Mr R picked them up in a small car. Our 8 seater is away to Carlisle getting fixed. Xander was delighted and wants to keep it ;-) . 

This week has been good having to walk and pick Harp up. By bedtime I'm nearly at 16,000 steps . 

I've seen some blips showing support for Ukraine with blue and yellow. I'll tag this . My heart breaks for them. I couldn't imagine our family being separated. And going through what they're going through. 
Putin is a very dangerous man and has to be stopped. 

On another note I know he's wearing the same clothes as yesterday but he is clean . Ha. 

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